Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Legendary Warehouse Of Pain And Boxes

its a long story...okay, so we're moving and we piled all of our empty boxes in the living room b4 we started packing....my little brother(not the sarcastic spaztastic ninja who does the soulja boi, thats my older brother) and i were sitting behind the boxes...

he said "this is my warehouse of pain."
i added "...and boxes..."
"yeah, the warehouse of pain and boxes" he said.

i know what youre thinking...what about the legendary??? i didnt get there yet.

we overheard the tv talking about legendary poker stars so we decided to make it The Lengendary Warehouse Of Pain And Boxes...

thats pretty much it....so yeah...lolololololololololololol.

-♥- ♪ maggie ♪

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